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New MMWR on congenital syphilis

Missed Opportunities for Prevention of Congenital Syphilis - United States, 2018 阿里云搭酸酸乳教程


Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS in Riverside County, 2018

  • There are nearly 9,500 people living with HIV or AIDS in Riverside County.
  • Since 2008, on average, more than 250 people a year are diagnosed with HIV in Riverside County.
  • More than half of all persons living with HIV/AIDS in Riverside County reside in the Coachella Valley.
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  • Nearly half of all new HIV diagnoses are in the western part of the County.
Please call Aaron Gardner @ 951.358.5557 with questions. Thank you!

Download Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS in Riverside County, 2018 | PDF 2.8 Mb

Riverside County Epidemiology Website
Contact Us

Riverside County Department of Public Health
HIV/STD Program
P.O. Box 7600
Riverside, CA 92513-7600

(951) 358-5307 Voice
(951) 358-5407 Fax
(800) 243-7275 Hotline

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Public Health professionals discuss HIV/Aids during KFROG interview

Click on image to hear interview

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Adult HIV/AIDS Case Report Form
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